Brady Quinn On What It Would Take for Notre Dame to Join a Conference

So while I was on vacation this week, the college football world decided to turn itself upside down with major conference realignment in the works. I tried to keep up somewhat, but not going to lie to you all, the beach with the fam was way more relaxing than the chaos that was unfolding. Now that I’m back home, I’m catching up on some of the news. Former Notre Dame QB Brady Quinn, who is plugged into the inner workings at Notre Dame, was on CBS at the end of the week talking about Notre Dame’s position, and leverage, now that super conferences seem like they may finally be upon us.

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  1. Notre Dame will have to join a conference, most likely the Big Ten, eventually. The ACC, Big 12, and Pac 12 are in their dying days. Every major team will be in the SEC or the Big Ten in a few years. Notre Dame should just join the Big 10 now and stop kicking around the issue.

    1. Ah, frig it. ND has abandoned every other tradition and symbol since Fat Fireplug showed up.
      So put names on the jerseys and join a conference.

      Make it a clean sweep! Clear those pesky, lingering memories of students playing amateur sport out of our tiny bovine minds!

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