Freshmen Media Day – Offensive Linemen

Matt Romine

  • On the transition from high school to college, “It’s been a big transition coming from high school camp where you’re maybe working maybe five hours a day where here its eight to nine hours a day you’re basically living here whether it be meetings, lifting, practice.  That’s been the main part – the time consuming part of it and then just the speed of the game.  Everyone’s bigger, stronger, faster, and it’s just been a big change.”
  • On the difference between high school and college, “It’s a big change.  Usually in high school you’ll know the play, know the man you’ve got and you’ll go block him.  Here if the defense shifts a little, if you have a different ID on the MIKE or something, the whole play changes basically.”
  • On the influence John Sullivan has on the offensive line, “We’re really close and I think that does help us out a lot.  We’ve got Sully whose a 5th year and he’s the leader of us and he tells us what to do.  He sets the pace for us in practice everyday.  The part with the sophomores and then me and Taylor, I think that’s what brings us together because we’re all just kind of in the same boat.”
  • On Sully being named a captain yesterday, “It’s well deserved.  Everyday in practice he’s going 100% and he’s a good leader.  He leads by example.  He’s never late to meetings, he’s early for everything, works hard in the weight room, works hard at practice every play, never takes a play off.”
  • On running out of the tunnel on September 1, “Its kind of hard to think about. I’ve heard everyone always talk about that the most amazing thing you’ll ever do is run out of the tunnel of Notre Dame Stadium and I’m just really looking forward to experiencing that.”
  • Romine is another really well spoken kid and also probably doesn’t have to worry about making it on the buss.

Taylor Dever

  • On how things have been going, “Its definitely going very well.  I’m improving a lot.”
  • On the difference between high school and college, “The speed of the game.  That’s the first thing that I noticed.  Other than that, the offensive line gameplay is based on technique and if you don’t have that, you’re not going to play as well as you want to and if you do get better at, which is what I’m working on, you’ll be fine.”
  • On the youth of the offensive line, “The great thing about having a young team is there’s always people learning.  There’s always people willing to get better which I think is great.  Especially with my position, I’ve always had Sam Young right in front of me from day one.  He’s been such a great help.  Even though he’s a sophomore, its seems like, at from what I’ve seen, he’s been here for at least three years.”
  • On the unity of the team, “It is, especially with the offensive line, those guys have so much fun.  Everyday we get closer and closer, and we have a great time.
  • On his goals for this year, “Undefeated baby.  I just want to do well and contribute to the team anyway I can and get on the bus.”
  • Loved hearing Dever say “undefeated baby” as a goal for this year.

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