Classic Notre Dame Football Games

Relive the electrifying 1988 “Catholics vs. Convicts” clash against Miami, where Notre Dame triumphed 31-30, halting the Hurricanes’ 36-game regular-season winning streak. Dive into the dramatic 1993 face-off against Florida State, a clash of titans that saw Notre Dame secure a 31-24 victory and the No. 1 ranking. Experience the heart-pounding excitement of the 1973 Sugar Bowl, where the Irish edged Alabama 24-23 to clinch the national championship. Revisit the storied 1966 “Game of the Century” against Michigan State, a 10-10 tie that remains one of the most debated and celebrated games in college football history. This category captures the essence of Notre Dame’s storied tradition, highlighting games that exemplify strategic brilliance, fierce rivalries, and an indomitable fighting spirit.

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