Practice Notes: 8/15

  • Today’s practice was for the current second and third team players with the projected starters getting the morning session off for film study.
  • The second team defense Ian Williams (NT), Kallen Wade and Paddy Mullen (DE), Morrice Richardson and Kerry Neal (OLB), Scott Smith and Steve Quinn (ILB), Darrin Walls and Raeshon McNeil (CB), and Sergio Brown and Kyle McCarthy (S).
  • Richardson was running with the 3rd team during Saturday’s open practice, but was with the second team today.  Richardson is one player I’ve written about frequently this off-season as someone I could see emerging as a playmaker this year on defense and I would not be surprised if he was starting on September 1.
  • Third team defense looked to be made up of Neil Kennedy (NT), Andrew Nuss and Emeka Nwankwo (DE), Brian Smith and Kevan Washington (OLB), Aaron Nagel and Steve Paskorz (ILB), Leo Ferrine and Munir Prince (CB), and Jashaad Gaines and Harrison Smith (S).
  • During drills Rob Ianello was making fun of Demetris Jones’ stiff arm saying “Is that it, is that your stiff arm?”to which  Jones replied, “for a senior citizen that’s my stiff arm.”
  • The outside linebackers were hitting the sled and working using their arms to get off of blocks.  FWIW, Richardson seemed to throw the sled with the most ease.
  • Defensive backs were working on their back pedals with Bill Lewis.
  • All five of the of the quarterbacks were at practice despite all of the other projected starters sitting out.
  • Quarterbacks were working on their ball handling doing the drill where they drop back and get hit with bags by the other  QBs.  Justin GIllet fell down hitting Jones with the bag at one point which got a laugh out of Weis.

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