Shamrock Stickers: Miami ’12

shamrock miami
Notre Dame Fighting Irish running back Cierre Wood (20) celebrates after his touchdown in the third quarter against the Miami Hurricanes at Soldier Field. Notre Dame won 41-3. (Photo: Matt Cashore / US PRESSWIRE)

Notre Dame showed the world what it looks like when they play complete football in their 41-3 destruction of rival Miami. The win makes the Irish 5-0 and moves them up to seventh in both the coaches and AP polls ahead of a visit from College Gameday and the Stanford Cardinal. The following players were instrumental to the Irish’s success versus Miami:

The Offensive Line: The Irish offensive line answered plenty of questions surrounding their play of late with their domination of Miami up front. The Irish offensive line along with the tight-ends did a brilliant job setting the edge allowing the Irish to rush for 376 yards on 7.4 yards per carry. The Irish rushing attack was essentially unstoppable thanks to the performance of the offensive line, which allowed the offense to run the ball 31 times, compared to only three passing plays in the second half. This allowed the Irish to control the clock and limit the Hurricanes opportunities to score, while scoring five rushing touchdowns themselves.

Cierre Wood: The Irish`s premier running back finally got an increase in his workload and announced his presence as the Irish`s clear number one running back. Wood carried the ball 18 times versus Miami, one more carry than he had totalled on the season coming into the game, and he responded to the tone of 118 yards and two touchdowns. Wood showed the ability to run both inside and outside as well as showing great patience with the ball allowing holes to open up.

George Atkinson III: The Irish`s game-breaker took control in the second half alongside Wood, making a very dangerous one-two punch for opposing defenses to deal with. Atkinson tallied 123 yards on only ten carries, highlighted by his breakaway 55 yard touchdown run. Atkinson continues to average a high number of yards per carry and is faring well when he gets enough touches to establish himself in the game as he did against Navy as well.

Everett Golson: After serving his mini three play suspension; Everett Golson took the field for the Irish and delivered his best performance of the season thus far. Golson completed 77 percent of his passes (17-22) for 186 yards, no touchdowns, and no interceptions. Golson also rushed for a career high 51 yards on six carries. Golson managed the game beautifully and looked much older than his age especially when leading the Irish on the two minute drill late in the first half, despite a missed field goal being the end result of the drive. Golson also spread the ball around nicely with eight different receivers catching a pass from him.

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  1. Folks can argue till the end of time about BK and ND. A couple of things can’t be debated. ND had not allowed a touchdown on the ground this year. ND has shut out TD’s in the last three games. ND has not been behind in any game to date.

    Let’s just enjoy the moment.

  2. irish,

    I like our chances in all 3 games. Don’t think I would have or could have said that a month ago.

    Stanford has some play-makers on O. But I think we can score against their D. I don’t think we’ll shut out Stanford, but I think we can certainly outscore them. Home-field advantage is huge here.

    OU is a scarier proposition. Solid O. but much better D than Stanford. On the road at night hasn’t been kind to ND of late, esp. against top-ranked teams. They key for ND will be to stay in the game and put the pressure on OU. The longer ND hangs around the better its chances to win. I can see ND driving late to kick a game-winning FG.

    USC is the toughest of the 3. It’s on the road, at night, against a team that will probably be in the top 10 if it wins out. I don’t really like our chances. But, like against OU, hang around and USC might just choke one away at the end.

    In all 3 games TOs will be key. If ND can win the TO battle, esp. in a big way against OU and USC on the road, then look out. We may well then be on the verge of a truly magical(!) season.

    The above analysis assumes the continued great play of the D and the further development of the O and EG. Also, no key injuries.

    Last point, I hope needlessly burning TOs doesn’t come back to haunt us in one of these games. I’d lose it if we lost a NC chance because we burn 3 TOs in the first 5 minutes of a half and don’t have them available to call to either get the ball back or run the hurry-up.

  3. From the inimitable genius of irisheye62!

    Should become must Holiday reading for ND faithful the world over.

    Just recall, however, that there are many faithful Catholic brothers and sisters both in both “Cuba N.” and on the island. The ones on the island nation have lived under repression for over 50 years!

    1. Steel Fan that is true–but they are CERTAINLY Irish Fans. Furthermore, the Church has been their hope and outlet for things of soul, spirit and expression. The ideals of their leaders are not in step with the Church, Christendom, The West, self-reliance and a good life. May We at Notre Dame and people of good will stand up for them. In case you didn’t realize it, I LOVE IT THAT WE BEAT THE canes!! Steel–How do you think we can stack up against the big three
      ( Stanford, Okla. and sc?) NOT overlooking the others on the schedule either because anything can happen. Just your thoughts cause you have insight into things beyond many. GO IRISH!


    Twas days after the game
    and all through Northern Cuba
    Not a sound could be heard
    not even the Tuba

    Morris and his pass to NC State
    was hailed like Flutie-and oh so great
    but they came to Chicago to Play Notre Dame
    and they found out they were ghetto and lame

    On Jimmy, On Johnson on Erickson they cried
    and then college football realized their lies
    with crimes of the past -sins of fathers to sons
    I pray to GOD that the canes are undone

    With a List of Crimes that made the Buckeyes Blush
    even cocky Southern Cal stood in a hush
    there is no excuse they didn’t beat themselves
    the canes played the Irish — they were put in the well

    A well of passes which at first seemed so grand
    so daring so brave– but in the end– so bland
    With a running game that tore the canes front seven
    The Irish destroyed them–and it was nearly like Heaven

    I only wish the score of 41 could be multiplied thrice
    with numbers to the sun
    There is much work to do but we ARE 5-0
    rankings mean nothing yet –so here we go

    Keep the ground game going and defense with speed
    Special teams Pizzaz will add to our need
    ON Rockne, ON Leahy, On Lou, On Devine
    Find every way possible to control that line!

    The 2012 Season is just beginning
    Let’s stay focused like baseball until the 9th inning
    second by second and game by game

    Forget the Critics who say this and that
    They are sitting in their chairs– just getting fat
    So remember Fellow Irish Fans -Remember the Reason
    We know who we are -SEASON AFTER SEASON!

    We’re Blue Gold and Green
    Tradition Second to None
    We Love Notre Dame
    whether we’ve lost or we’ve won

    Some love to hate us
    some hate just to hate
    But that’s not real news
    in the sports world as of late

    Stand Proud for the Lady
    On Top of the Dome
    The Mother of Jesus
    Says “THIS IS OUR HOME!”

    Something fine is brewing
    these days in South Bend
    Just keep the focus
    we’ll be true to the end

    We Are Irish, Independent
    and oh- so proud
    with our national tough schedule
    we stand above the crowd

    Keep Raising the Standards
    Keep the Notre Dame Spirit
    If we stay true to our task

    Loyal Sons, Loyal Daughters
    Victories are in sight
    Happy Football Season thus far
    and to all a good night!!!!!!!!

      1. Thanks–GO IRISH!!
        I liked your comments above about the Irish and “miami beating themselves!” I like your insight –and setting people and stats on the record. GO ND–CHOP THE TREES!

  5. pretty much agree – give the defense one too and Cam Mcdaniel deserves one for the way he ran at teh end – Yes the game was over but you couldn’t tell it with his attitude

  6. STANFORD, RUDY AND REVENGE-STANFORD CAME TO ND STAdium a few years ago with luck and the outland trophy winner from a catholic prep school. in the first series they humiliated nd with that plaY REMINISCENT OF RUDY WHERE THE LINEBACKER SOARS OVER THE center and into the baCKFIELD AND DOESNT REALLY CART ABOUT BEING OFFSIDE, IT WAS About intimidation and mocking the irish, time for revenge. go irish!

  7. The Miami team did a lot of stuff to defeat themselves. This lopsided Win had a lot to do with the ‘Canes undoing themselves. The light at the end of the tunnel is not so bright yet for the Irish. Lots to prove yet against teams such as Stanford. Not so fast, my friends.

    1. Chuck

      Not going to argue the point of whether ND is back or the brightness of the light at the end of the tunnel. But to say this game came down to Miami beating themselves is just ignoring facts. The majority of the mistakes came in the first few drives of the game. Yea they dropped 2 sure td’s, but they came on the same drive so only one TD would have resulted. Also the td that was called back for holding so that’s 14-0 Miami, even though you could argue the outcome of ND drive due to getting the ball on kickoff instead of a punt. Better field position=open playbook. But for argument sake we’ll say 14-0. This where your point falls apart. ND had 376yds rushing! 270 of those came in the 2nd half when there was no question that ND was going to run the ball. What in the world makes you think Miami would have done any better if there was even a shadow of a doubt that ND was going to run? Also Golson was 17-22 186yds. Pretty efficient. See where I am going with this? After those first few drives the closest Miami got to scoring was a missed 40+yd field goal. The mistakes didn’t beat Miami, ND did. They didn’t help but not the difference in the game.

      Also you say let’s see how they do against Stanford. Look we have been playing that game for the whole season so far and it will continue throughout. After navy it was purdue. After pursue it was msu. After msu it was Michigan. After Michigan it was Miami. Noticing a pattern here?

      Yes this team has not arrived yet, but guess what…. They are on their way and they just may be on the door step.

      GO IRISH

      1. JTRAIN-

        ON TOP OF WHAT YOU OBSERVED AND NOTED–Miami was outdone by the Irish–as I said below-I wish it could have been by even more. It may not be PC to say this–but HATE does not begin to describe what I feel for the orange and green of the mean spirited city and it’s ghetto team in its University. ND is on its way–and is healthy. GOD willing–we will keep on keeping on!

    2. I agree that Miami’s opening drops set the tenor for the game, but ND woulld have won anyway, and more importantly, can compete with anyone. Do I think they’ll run the table? No, but they’re not going to get outclassed (at least until they play Alabama in the NC game, LOL).

    3. Chuckie, Chuckie, Chuckie,

      Yeah, we were saying the same thing last year, dropped passes everywhere. Blah, Blah, Blah and more Blah we beat ourselves, turnovers and more turnovers. Suuuuuure.

      However, we were leading in the games we gave away by 7 points or less. What’s Miami excuse? None, they got their AZZ beat my friend, not even close! Want a towel like everyone offered us last year?

      Further, Miami Defense is going nowhere this year and Miami can’t win all games 56 -49 Offensively!

      No way! Hahahaha, Good Luck with that dream!

      Here come the Irish

      1. JC,

        Speaking of last year…

        remember last year’s home opener when turnovers and self destruction caused Kelly to go balistic?

        Or when Kelly publiclly called out some of his players and Manti Te’o spoke up in defense of his guys?

        Kelly caught a lot of flack for those things.

        But this year the turn overs have completly turned around and Manti Te’o has become a great leader.

        Maybe this coach Kelly guy is smarter than we give him credit for?

      2. Shaz,

        I don’t need a lecture on Kelly. I’m not in love with him like you are.

        I already gave him credit for changing from a CEO coach to now a player’s coach. BK knew he was on the wrong path and admitted it. And I am very happy for the team. The new results are obvious.

        So if you looking for a “I told you so moment,” fish somewhere else. I like our players better than BK at the moment and that is not going to change until he earns his money. 5 wins is not a National Championship. We have a lot of work to do yet.

        Here come the Irish!

      3. JC,


        Sorry… I really didn’t mean it as a lecture or a “I told you so moment”.

        Just trying to have a civil conversation.

        I stand corrected. Thinking about it, I really have only my self to blame. I’ve been around long enough to know better that to try to convince you of BK’s worth.

        My bad.

        But I do think that I can shed some light on this whole “Love – hate, Hate – love” thing.

        Doctor Penderslosh called it “D-I-S-P-L-A-C-E-M-E-N-T”

        You are not alone here.
        Gomez Adams suffered from the same thing.

        I suggest that you do what he did… down about a dozen Jager Bombs then go Dance the MAMUSHKA with Fester.


      4. As usual Shaz you go off the reservation with your self perceived soft shoe humor. Especially when someone does not share your view point.

        Nice technique though, say your “sorry” then procede to insults. Hahahaha. Classic Shaz!

        Dan Devine was not lovable either. So to approach someone with your recent Kelly screaming memories, etc., and not just on this recent post, could the real truth be your Gomez Adams is in the mirror?

        I’ve been around your “soft sell and disappointed poke fun to an edge” humor for quite awhile. Do your self a favor and stop trying to be the fuller brush salesman on BK. Especially with your childish satire of a debate.

        If you want “civil” debate, talk about Stanford instead of playing games on your dislike for my well known ‘Non-Love’ position on BK. Dan Devine was ONE and out NC with no love loss either.

        Like I said, fish elsewhere on BK.

        Here come the Irish!

      5. “Classic Shaz” I like that…
        thanks buddy!

        Although, I’m not so sure about the self perceived humor part.

        Truth be known, I’m willing to bet there were more than a few on the reservation who got a chuckle out of that one!


        Seeing Gomez in my mirror is way better than you seeing Pugsley in yours!


        How about one of your patent lectures on how we should have a civil debate on this site!

        Haaaaaa… I got a hundered of em!

        If you want to catch a sucker you have to fish in a sewer!


        Ok… that one was a little low (funny, but low) Sorry.

        (Like how I finished with a sorry?)

        Want to buy a brush?

      6. Amazing, you come looking for me with your not so cryptic agenda, and scream wolf and resort to classless name calling?

        Sorry you got up on the wrong side of the bed today. Why don’t you entertain us by chasing D-Train again and others Mr. Clean. Hahahaha!

        Yeah, love your finish Mr. Rogers as always. Blood pressure up a couple of ticks?

        Buddy??? Who are you kidding Mr. Bird Dog! But keep pushing in your usual modus operandi that we all love.

        Your circus psychology and personal BK revival are of no interest to me. I’m sure it will take you awhile to get it! Hahahaha!

        Here come the Irish!

      7. Don’t have a sense of humor?

        That’s your problem, not ours.

        But really, I never meant to make you cry.

        I was just joking.

        If we can’t be buddies any more I’m not sure I’ll be able to bear it.

        Sorry if I hurt your feelings……. and by the way, be sure tell yor mom I said I was sorry too!

      8. Shaz-a-raz,

        Your not just hysterical, your
        vertiginously hysterical.

        Please-stop-flattering- yourself, we were never buddies!

        By the way Mr. Clean, how many times have you hammered on bj? Yeah, you definately like to throw stones in glass houses…eh! What an angel!

        Oh, but you were just kidding……Suuuuuure thing sourpuss. Hahahahaha!

        Want humor, OK: How do you know when it’s raining cats and dogs?

        Answer: When you step in a poodle.

        (You just stepped in it!)

        Probably not good enough for your Jerry Springer act. I suggest you pick your next victim.

        Here come the Irish!

      9. jaycie,

        Yes I want humor…

        Do you know any?

        Wait a minute, was that poodle thing supposed to be funny???

        I guess it was… back in the third grade, but then again, I suppose that’s as far as you and gethro ever made it.

        You really need to get out more.
        (and I don’t mean coming up from your mom’s basment for a sandwich.)

        “we were never buddies”, REALLY? Are you sure?

        You might want to double check. You know, don’t have many buddies, and remember, your mom doesn’t count!

        Yeah, we’re not laughing with you, we are laughing at you!

        How about your famous :”lucky charm puffer”

        What a dufuss.

        Talk about going off the reservation, that made up jibba-jabba ain’t even on the same planet.

        “Lucky Charm puffer”

        Stick with what you know best,
        Being a pickle puffer!

        Pickle puffer! Now that’s funny!

        Most comedians worry about running out of material, but as long as our hall monitor is around that will never be a problem.

        Yeah I stepped in it, and believe me, scrapping you off the bottom of my shoe wasn’t easy!

        Keep up the good work!

    4. Chuckie,

      Would’ve, could’ve should’ve, is the talk of a loser. Part of being a good team is not beating yourself. I will tell you this much, Bill Parcel’s was correct in you are what your record is. Your team played Bethum Cookman, GT, NC STATE and BC who just lost to Army. The only ranked team you played was KSU and they smoked you just like ND. Take your beating like a man and not make excuses. If you were good enough you would have over come the adversity and beat ND, not given up over 376 yds of rushing, that’s not beating yourself.

    5. “Cry me a river you big baby!” (John Voight as Coach Bud Kilmer in “Varsity Blues” [1999]).

      I bet you Chuckie wasn’t saying poor ND last year with all those drops, TOs, mental mistakes, etc., the Irish committed No! Like the rest of the country, Chuckie was enjoying our misery and would’ve never allowed for any excuses on ND’s behalf.

      Guess what, Chuckie, you big baby, what comes around goes around. No excuses, your players were intimidated, played like it, and were totally humiliated by ND. No excuses, no what if this or what if that, no could have, would have, should have.

      Bottom line ND 41-Miami 3!

  8. A very good game, now its time to put it behind and focus on the next game. As long as this team stays focused on the next game and not start looking down the road & getting ahead of themselves, they will perform. This team can still get better and it ain’t over yet, hahaha.

    The Irish tsunami is getting ready to drown some cardinal.
    Go Irish

  9. 5 and 0. Number 7 in the country. One of the top defenses in the nation. College Gameday coming to South Bend. Wow. Just imagine if ND was “relevant.” Lol.


    1. Delta,

      Yeah, “relevant” imagine that, a different tune over at ESPN. Crow soup for the pronosticators? Except Lou of course!

      6-0 will take some work but doable. Just hope we stay hungry and improve each week.

      Don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel just yet, however, definately feeling a whole lot better about our team.

      Here come the Irish!

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