Temple Is Talking All The Trash And It Is Fantastic

It never quite feels like football season has arrived until one team starts lobbing salvos at their opponent through the media. Well, the Temple Owl football team is officially welcoming us to the 2017 season with some rather aggressive remarks this week. And it’s glorious.

It’s important to understand, not all bulletin board material is created equal. Players know when a guy is expressing confidence in their team and when he is flat out disrespecting the opponent. Phrases like “we expect to go in there and win the game”, are technically bulletin board material–he’s essentially predicting a victory–but that won’t get anyone’s attention. It falls in the category of “what do you expect him to say?”

But, Temple? They are going beyond the normal platitudes and I support it 100%.

We Are Going To Kick Their A**

Starting corner Kareem Ali got things started yesterday in an interview with CSNPhily.com with not just a prediction of victory, but also the manner in which it will be achieved.

We know we have nothing to lose. We are going to go hard, we’re going to kick their ass.

As a player, this will raise some eyebrows. That’s not a throw away quote, especially the way the climate is now with the media making any kind of snipe a big deal, and coaches censoring what players say.

Now, usually what happens in this instance is the quote gets circulated, the coach makes a comment that he doesn’t want to give Notre Dame any more motivation, and things shut down.

Not so fast my friend.

New starting linebacker Shaun Bradley lobbed another shot towards his counterparts in not only predicting victory, but a blowout for the 17 point underdog Owls.

I want to reiterate for the third time, I am all in on Temple letting their feelings be known ahead of time. They aren’t playing the quiet confidence game. They are calling their shot. And let’s be real, when a 17 point underdog is about to come to your stadium and they are talking about blowing you out and kicking your butt, that’s disrespect. And it’s also not false bravado, they genuinely believe it.

It’s exactly the type of thing Notre Dame needs.

What I’d Like Notre Dame To Say, But Won’t

Here’s a sample of things Irish players could respond with, but likely won’t because Brian Kelly doesn’t run that type of program.

Nyles Morgan – My team welcomes any challenge by anyone to come and kick our a**. Kickoff is at 3:43 on Saturday, we’ll be there on time and as scheduled. I suggest a heavy breakfast.

Mike McGlinchey – He can say what he feels, which I welcome not just from him, but anyone, and yes I take it as disrespect. The guy said they were going to blow us out in our stadium. How am I supposed to take it?

Equanimeous St. Brown – Well, the young man is my direct opposition, so it was especially meaningful in that respect. All I have to say is this (insert a quote from a proverb in a foreign language).

Brandon Wimbush – I’m all about that action, boss.

Please note: I said could and that no one at Notre Dame has responded in such a manner.

Seriously, It Was Disrespectful

I don’t want to play the “Notre Dame needs to come out and blow this team away to send a message to the team and the fans” game. This isn’t a movie. And this isn’t about sending a message. They’ll play how they play, and I expect their best effort regardless.

But, I do want them to notice a 17 point dog is talking about running them out of Notre Dame stadium. And I want them to take it personal, because it is personal. Because if Temple feels that way, then every other team feels that way too. And for good reason. They were a soft program last year.

One of the most famous Lou Holtz locker room speeches came in his first season against Michigan, when he talked about respect. Hopefully Notre Dame carries that mindset, not just against Temple, but throughout the year.

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    1. So basically Notre Dame outscored a Temple team that won 10 games each of the last two years 49-16 in the last 4 quarters while rushing for over 400 yards with three individual 100 yard rushers.

    2. ND 28 – Temple 14 in quarters 2, 3, and 4 in 2017
      ND 14 – Temple 6 in quarters 2, 3, and 4 in 2013 (last ND home game against Temple)
      Not sure what you’re referencing @SteelFanRob, but it’s not ND’s past performances against Temple.

  1. Talk is cheap, but respect must be earned, especially for a 4-8 team. Until ND starts blowing out teams like Temple at home like they once did, and still should, disrespect for ND in their own stadium and on the road will continue. Last year ND kept seven teams close in the fourth quarter, and lost them all. That doesn’t inspire fear, merit respect, or diminish the confidence of your opponents. Let’s finish with the obvious. Scoring early,often, and then burying a team not as talented as you keeps the opponent from winning in the fourth quarter, and that then results in hard-earned respect.

    It’s up to ND to show a chip-on-theiir shoulder attitude and respond to disrespect thrown their way.
    It’s put up or shut up time for the staff and the team.

  2. Sort of surprised. I thought Temple ran a more respectful program, though I admit I don’t follow them too closely. They seem to be letting their recent success go to their heads. It wasn’t all that long ago they were kicked out of the lowly Big East of all places due to their dumpster fire of a football program. I give them credit for scratching and crawling their way back out of the hole. But you don’t get stupid and start lobbing verbal bombs at the other team like you’re a NC contender. A team like Alabama could say something like this and get away with it, because it probably would be true for them (though Saban would break any of his players in half if they were fool enough to do something dumb like this).
    ND players won’t say respond verbally, and shouldn’t. They should just let the play on the field speak for itself. I already wanted ND to blow out Temple before this. This just adds ammo to that. It would be hilarious if ND blew out Temple and these players had to leave ND stadium with their tails tucked between their legs. Hopefully for their sake if that happens it will be a lesson learned for them.

  3. I don’t know where you get the “fact” that Kareem Ali is the starting corner. The two starting corners are Mike Jones (a projected NFL draft pick in the last draft–2016–by Mike Mayock) and Artrel Foster, last year’s starter. Might want to do some research before annointing Ali, albeit a 4* recruit, a starter.

  4. Amazing how the media creates drama…all athletes are motivated to get up for their opponents.
    So now TEMPLE is trashing Notre Dame? Really! Each player has respect for The Irish and respect their program.
    And yes….They are hyped…but the media doesn’t need to throw fuel in the fire to spark controversy….

  5. Greg, I really believe Kelly and company have changed the house Rockne built to a true home field advantage. My favorite change is one the average fan won’t get! The visitor tunnel is a closet hallway! No more delaying ND at the big tunnel! They will have to enter and leave single file. Tough to funnel in to the tunnel for half time! Can’t wait for Saturday.

    1. We couldn’t even find the visitor’s tunnel and without asking an usher when we were there for the scrimmage. Then we spent the rest of the time there laughing about it. If you don’t know where it is, it’s extremely hard to find. LOL. Go Irish!

  6. I don’t pay any attention to Temple trash talk. I just want them to pick up their trash after the game on the field, sideline and locker room. Just coming in our stadium, we know they are discards from other SEC conference teams. Stomp em!

  7. Slight correction…Kareem Ali isn’t a starting CB. Maybe #5 on the depth chart and probably won’t see much playing time.

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