Louis Nix Commits to Notre Dame

Notre Dame received some great recruiting news on Tuesday that no one could have seen coming. Four star defensive tackle recruit Louis Nix verbally committed to Notre Dame just over 24 hours after Notre Dame fired head coach Charlie Weis.

In a fairly unprecedented move, Nix committed to Notre Dame without a head coach currently in place. Running backs coach Tony Alford visited with Nix on Tuesday and collected the commitment during his visit.

Nix told Irish Sports Daily:

“He told me about the situation with the coaches, and he said if he wasn’t going to be there, he thought I should still go there, and that Notre Dame was the best school for me,” Nix explained. “For someone to tell me that, who possibly wouldn’t be coaching me, that’s something worth listening to.”

Nix will immediately become a fan favorite amongst Irish fans for committing to Notre Dame without knowing who his head coach would be. It is extremely rare for a recruit to show this sort of faith in a university during a fairly turbulent time like Notre Dame is currently experiencing; and it says a lot about Nix’s priorities and character that he’d commit to Notre Dame at this time.

Alford, already a fan favorite for his tough attitude, will only cement his placement as one of the most popular assistant coaches on this year’s coaching staff. I wrote yesterday that Alford would be at the top of my list of coaches to retain for the next staff and Tuesday’s news makes me believe even more in that statement.

As for what Nix brings to Notre Dame on the football field, the Irish will be getting an elite defensive tackle prospect that has the potential to be a game changing force in the middle of a defensive line. Rivals, Scout, and ESPN all rate Nix as a four start prospect with both Rivals and ESPN ranking him as one of the top 100 national recruits regardless of position.

Originally a Miami commitment, Nix became enamored with Notre Dame during three separate visits since the summer. He also held scholarship offers from the likes of Florida, Florida State, and Miami.

As the highlight clip below shows, Nix is a very disruptive force. He’ll have to work on his pass rushing moves on the next level since he can just simply over power the competition he faces in high school, but Nix is a defensive tackle with a ton of upside.

Hats off to Nix for pulling the trigger on his commitment now and the assistant coaches still in place, Tony Alford especially, for continuing to hit the recruiting trail hard and sell recruits on Notre Dame as a university and a program.

Chris Martin Decommits

Not all the recruiting news on Tuesday was good for the Irish. Five star defensive end Chris Martin made it official on Tuesday and decommitted from Notre Dame and will look at Cal, Florida, Oklahoma, and USC. Some reports have suggested that Martin would consider the Irish again depending on the head coach that gets hired, but there hasn’t been a consensus.

Martin has long been wavering on his commitment once it became apparent that Charlie Weis would be fired. In fact, Martin’s commitment was considered shaky by most since the summer.

Martin continues a recent Notre Dame tradition of five-star defensive linemen committing to the Irish in the spring, only to decommit in December or January. Both Justin Trattou and Omar Hunter were at one time Notre Dame commitments who ended up decommitting and signing with Florida.

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  1. Wish Clausen well … can we kick Weis in the pants?

    “Coach Weis told me whether he was going to be here or not be here, it was time for me to go. He thought I’ve improved so much since I came to Notre Dame. So, I’m taking his advice, and I’m going to head out.”

  2. Let Brian Kelly sign an extension in Cincy. He’s not the coach that the Irish need. Bob Stoops is the coach. Fly him into South Bend, slide a piece of paper across the table with a huge number on it, and hope to heck he signs it! Then let him and his staff hit the recruiting trail!

  3. by the way, i see you guys discussing clausen…he’s long gone fellas, long gone…lest hope tate doesnt go with him…

  4. shazam, leave willie martinez in the heap…uga’s defense may be the only top tier programs that is worse than ours…cant cover, cant tackle, cant rush passer..sound familiar? lets hope kelly takes job and finds a good coordinator somewhere (not cincy) or if stoops comes on board he can handle a defense. weis’s downfall was tenuda’s failure, plain and simple.

  5. On a more serious note. The Georgia Bulldogs just fired their defensive coordinator and 2 assistants. I think their D-Coordinator had been there for 8 years. Their defense finished the season ranked 31st nationally. Clearly not good enough for Georgia.
    Is one man’s trash, another man’s treasure?


    MISSISSIPPI: Notre Dame Head Football Coach candidate DeltaIrish today put an end to the rampant internet speculation that he would be the next coach of the Irish. “I like coaching my son’s pee wee team, the administration of the pee wee team is awesome and the Weevils organization is headed for great things.” said DeltaIrish. “I fully intend to coach the Weevils next year.” added the Coach. With these heartfelt and unquestionable denials of interest in the job by DeltaIrish, there can be no question that Notre Dame has lost its appeal. The only way the Irish will find a coach now is if they re-animate the corpse of Knute Rockne. Ivan Maisel reporting for ESPN.

    1. I bet coach Delta is just Useing the Irish job to get that contract extension. I hear that they sweetened his deal by throwing in all the cupcakes and hotdogs you can eat on game day.
      How can we compete with that?

    1. If I was Clausen I’d look at one or two things right now.

      1. Regardless of Tate, will the rest of the receiving corps be there? ( Tate needs another year by the way ).

      2. Will the offensive line keep him from getting the snot kicked out of him and will it help the running game, giving him time to pick apart defenses.

      One other thing to look at is which teams will go for a QB this year verus next.

      If I was him, I also wouldn’t pick an agent until the last minute. With the coaching change he needs to know who is coming in.

      I’m never in favor of these kids coming out early.

      1. It would be great if he came back again, but he’d be coming back as a grad student as he enrolled early and now only has five classes left to get his undergraduate degree. His family sold the house they had in South Bend and he is a top first round draft pick.

        Or he could stick around beautiful South Bend and perhaps get sucker punched again.

        Easy decision, even for someone in the College of Arts and Letters there.

  7. Nix seems like he has a good head on his shoulders to realize he is receiving good advice.

    Good for Alford for being a high character guy as well.

    Kelly brought his staff to cincy hopefully he does the same but keeps guys like alford- b- young and others that are worth there salt.

  8. Swapping Nix for Martin is an upgrade for a ND defense in need of size – It’s a pickup that might also allow Ethan Johnson to move to his more natural position of DE.

  9. I don’t think anyone knows what the hell is going on with the head coach for next year at Notre Dame! Give Kelly a chance to play the big east championship and then we will know his true motives.. Think if you were a head football coach and you were 11-0, would you not want to jeopardize your team that you have worked so hard with getting to that point. Kelly is a great coach and no matter what he does I will respect the guy, but he won’t say anything until after this game. Look at Johnny Damon when he played for the Red Sox, he said he would never play for the Yankees and anyone who has ever put on a Red Sox uni should feel the same, but when the dollar bills were staring at him in the face, what did he do??? Took the money and ran… Look for Kelly to do the same…
    I talk about similar things on my blog- loganweeks.com/wordpress

    1. I read that a official announcement is due in 7 to 10 days. That would coinside with Kelly finnishing out the season.

  10. Aint nothing written in stone with these kids anyways until spring. Some will still leave as is typical. I think we all know now 3-4-5 stars behind a recruit dont mean a whole lotta nothing. That is one of the reasons the focus on this board is on coaching. A good coach and recruiter looks for kids to fit his system not how many stars are behind his name. Been through this too many times to get excited about any commits. I am more interested in who is going to get this program going again.

  11. Two things:

    1. I cannot believe that just worked.

    2. Frank, you’re absolutely right. I’m utterly stunned by this kid. I think calling him a fan favorite may end up being an understatement. He pretty well just B!+<#slapped every single reporter saying:
    A) ND can’t recruit
    B) Smart kids don’t play on the D-line
    C) None of today’s youth cares about the tradition that is ND
    D) ND is irrelevant

    1. He’ll be good, but they better ease him in. Two good things will happen with a new regime for defense. The so called lack of speed will be put to rest because the players will react quicker and will be in position. And youngsters won’t be frustrated. Actually Teo will be in noticable better condition next year. Why? Because he’ll be reworked. His frustration level showed the last few games. Quietly but it was there. The kid wants to be in position. With more guys like Nix coming into the mix and with better all around defensive coaching, he specifically will be more comfortable. Anyone remember Stonebreaker? Put Stoney’s eyes and quick reads in Teo’s body and ND will get in trouble for having a WMD.

  12. Agreed Frank, but not knowing who is the coach is killing this board. We want to know the coach to know the direction of the program and keep recruits. It is crucial that we do not go through the horrible class we got in 2004. Nix is a great pick up and I hope all don’t leave. Martin doesn’t bother me because he was already gone.

  13. Guys, how about we take a break from over analyzing every bit of information from websites that will post anything they hear, cut out the arguing, and spend a little time discussing what an impressive commitment Notre Dame just got.

    We just landed an outstanding defensive tackle (an area we always struggle at) without a head coach and 90% of the comments are about the coaching search. Take a deep breath and relax.

    1. Frank,
      You are killing my suggestion. I suggest Notre Dame create a few true branch campuses and just hire a bunch of guys on the list. Spread the wealth so to speak.

      I actually heard Tiger Woods is now a candidate and that George O’leary cheated on his wife while running into fire hydrants. Wait was that the Science section of the Inquirer that had that?

  14. You guys sound like the demoncrats picking the republican presidential candidate in 08…..Swarbricks comment does not mean he has found a candidate. Scav you are reading way too much into these things. Go back to the recent “recent” interview w/ Brian Kelly and listen to it. There is nothing at all in it from his own lips that indicate he has closed the door on ND – just the opposite if you ask me. I heard two weeks ago feelers put out to Kelly through folks in the sports dept at the university indicate he remains receptive to discussions and would commit publically prior to their bowl game if offered the position at ND in attempt to stem recruits from jettisoning the program. I also heard in the same conversation an announcement regarding Weis being let go would come pretty much immediately after the Stanford game which it did prior to the so called year end meeting w/ Swarbrick on the Tuesday following the game. So far so good…I would look to see an announcement on Kelly on Sunday or Monday following the Pitt game. That’s all I got to say bout that….

  15. “Notre Dame AD says far more mentioned to replace Weis than actual candidates
    By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (CP) – 1 hour ago

    SOUTH BEND, Ind. — Notre Dame athletic director Jack Swarbrick says there are far more people being mentioned for the school’s head coaching job than there are candidates.

    Swarbrick would not disclose how many people he has contacted about the job. He began reaching out to candidates Tuesday, and said he is consulting with a search firm.

    He also said he’s contacted people who know the candidates he has identified. Among them are former coaches and a former athletic director of “national prominence.”

    Swarbrick spent part of Wednesday meeting with assistant coaches to hear their ambitions and try to help them. He also met with some players to get their perspective on the coaching staff.

    Swarbrick hopes to have a decision Friday on whether Notre Dame (6-6) will go to a bowl.”

    So there are more people being mentioned than canidates. That means he has found the replacement or we are screwed.

    1. Good one Tom!

      Look, Tom, you and I agree totally on this. We need a top flight head coach with a winning track record. Right on, bro. You couldn’t be more right. However, these coaches aren’t stepping up yet. But like I said, again agreeing with you, it’s way too early to come to any conclusions. We all need to chill out! The ND hating media is trying to work up a frenzy. Fine. Let’s not fall for it! I’m jealous of anyone who went to ND!

  16. If you two don’t stop it So help me, I WILL pull this car over. And I will come back there and make you wish mom didn’t leave.

  17. OMG! Kirk ferentz just said he’s happy at Iowa! WTF are we gonna do now? How are we ever gonna survive this travesty? I mean, sure, its not like anybody at ND really ever wanted Ferentz. And we dont even know if anybody from ND ever contacted him. And he didnt really say he wouldnt come to ND…just that he was happy at Iowa. Still, this is horrible. The luster must be gone. We might as well join the ivy league and give up football altogether. (This sarcastic diatribe brought to you by ESPN. ESPN, the worlwide leader in Notre Dame bashing since 1993.)

    1. Great point, Delta! This reminds of the last time we were here, when I believe Mangino at Kansas (who nobody said was ever being considered for the ND job) held a press conference saying he wasn’t interested. Really?! Guess what, ND wasn’t interested in you. Normal ESPN ND bashing from the Pat Forde crowd over there. Just ignore the white noise.

  18. So, one source says it’s Stoops. Done deal! Another says it’s Kelley. Sure thing! Most others (including official ND sources) report that no one has even been contacted yet. What to believe? None of it as far as I’m concerned. None of us have even the faintest idea what is actually happening. Apparently neither does the media. Let’s take Jack’s and DeltaIrish’s advice and just relax for now. Things will become clearer in a day or two. Whoever we get better have more than the CHIP (whatever that is); they better have balls of steel and be tough as nails. Get this team back to sound fundamentals and playing nasty (especially along the trenches).

  19. Speaking of reliable sources, anybody check “The Onion” to see if they have anything as reliable as “IrishCentral” or “FootballCoachScoop”?

  20. Here’s a thought. So we all know. And I mean ALL, even the haters out there. We ALL know that Notre Dame is a phenominal place. Anyone old enough to catch old black and white movies or see an Ivy League like campus will attest that Notre Dame is an amazing environment. Sometimes to much Pleasantville, but in these times, anyone should want to take it. Among the best football facilities, among the best campus facilities and architecture. Great academics but no barrier. ( Look, unless you are engineering, pre-med, or hard science, anyone can pass college courses at any university. Anyone who actually attended highschool. ) So great academics. A community who will take care of you. All over the world. a rich history. So WE ALL know that. Even ESPN Betty’s.

    So with all this bogus bad press, instead of getting pissed off, lets consider the benefit. Any coach who sees the real ND and who isn’t daunted by the crap from the outside has THE CHIP. We want the guy with THE CHIP. That guy knows the Irish saying, “Pogue Mahone”. That guy wants to stick it in the face of the haters and then smile nicely. That’s the guy. If Swarbrick finds a competent leader, play caller, and mentor, he should ask questions about the guy’s reaction to all the negative press. The guy who doesn’t flinch but embraces it as motivation to tell them all to “pogue mahone.” That’s the guy. The guy with THE CHIP.

    1. C-Dog, you are a badazz mofo…I love it. Bring on THE CHIP. (As opposed to the last three hires collectively known as THE DIP.)

    2. CDog

      Okay, so I agree with your general comment but I would point out that NOT everyone can pass any college course at any university.

      One of the reasons folks like me love Notre Dame is that it has remarkably high academic standards and it graduates its football kids. So, the athletes on the football team have to compete — academically — with the kids that got 800 on the Verbal side of the SAT.

      And, those kids on the football team do this. No, many would not attend ND without football, but football isn’t what they’re studying at Notre Dame.

      And, any coach who doesn’t get this shouldn’t be hired.

      1. No doubt ND is challenging. My point is this. The sports media are erroneously making an assertion that there’s something like a 0% chance of a reasonably intelligent kid being able to survive ND’s academics. I say belony. Absolutely many wouldn’t get in without football. But once in, I think many can survive majors like sociology, certain business majors, certain liberal arts majors. Not easily but doable. I have a friend who went to Harvard Law school. After freshman year he played video games most of the time. I asked him how that was possible since Harvard Law is supposed to be the best. He explained that to get A’s at Harvard was extremely difficult. But he only was after B grades and he figured out the pattern of what the profs more or less wanted. So now he makes a lot of money because all anyone knows is that he’s got a Harvard Law degree.
        We’ve set the bar so low for a kid who plays football, that in highschool they do nothing and then get to many universities and walk into a classroom a few hours a week, literally doodle, are given a grade and walk out.
        Look, Tony Rice would never have gotten into Notre Dame. But he legitamately passed and was able to graduate. The Rocket struggled but made it. The difference isn’t that our players are all Einsteins, but that unlike the NCAA or most other schools we keep them accountable.
        Trust me, by mid year next year everyone will be wishing they had more education. And knew some foreign languages.

      2. I know, but I believe that everyone who enters ND has to have had calculus. That’s the kind of school it is — and those are the kinds of kids who attend. So, to say that everyone can pass once they’re in is a bit . . . inaccurate.

        In a prior life — okay, when I was a young puppy — I attended a school that was extremely academic (unfortunately, not ND). I had done well in high school, but I wasn’t prepared for the rigors of the school. Heck, I took a D (Geology) for the first time in my life and I worked my butt off for the D. I’m a lawyer, have a good job, moved on with my life, and etc.

        I’m sure most kids can pass at ND. But, the kid who has a combined SAT of like 850 or 900 is not going to pass at Notre Dame without some serious studying and tutoring and the like. It’s a liberal arts university where kids are required to take all sort of classes regardless of their major. And, every kid is competing with a kid who has 1400 on the same aptitude test.

        So, academics are a major part of the experience. But, the football team has the best tutors on campus and it has the best overall academic program in the NCAA. As a result, our kids graduate on time.

  21. Word down here is that Cincy has virtually zero entrance requirements and that, my friends, makes Kelly a pass. You need someone who can identify and sell those with academic bones. Top rumor in DFW is Harbaugh. He’s old school hard nose football, comes from a midwestern background, and has proved he can recruit at Stanford.

  22. Here is the latest rumor:

    College, College Football, Sports Impact »
    Cincinnati football coach Brian Kelly is leaving for Notre Dame, according to IrishCentral.com
    By Starting Blocks
    December 02, 2009, 3:03PM
    Al Behrman, Associated Press

    Brian Kelly One of the greatest football seasons in University of Cincinnati history may end on a sour note. According to IrishCentral.com, UC’s Brian Kelly will be the next Notre Dame coach. IrishCentral.com is also the Internet home of Irish Voice and Irish America magazines.

    Reporter Sean O’Shea writes that a well-informed person says that Kelly is expected to sign a deal soon. UC (11-0) plays at Pittsburgh on Saturday, with the winner claiming the Big East Conference championship and a spot in a BCS bowl game.

    O’Shea writes:

    Kelly is expected to see out the season with his Bowl Championship Series-bound team, and then report for duty at South Bend.

    Kelly, a Massachusetts native and proud Irish American, is an obvious choice to take over from the outbound Charlie Weis, given his background and outstanding success with the Cincinnati program.

    Who know if this is the truth

    1. I just saw something on Bleacher Report claiming to be a post from somebody who “works for the search agency” that says the deal is done with Stoops and a press conference is planned for Saturday.

      Remember…”believe only half of what you see and none of what you hear.” (Wait…thats not right either cause we all know “you can”t hide your lyin eyes.” Dammit! Believe nothing!

      1. Yeah, every day so far i have read about a “well informed source” stating that a certain coach would go to notre dame.

  23. I responded to Jack and DeltaIrish. For some reason it says I posted but it didn’t post. Simply put I’m relaxed and willing to wait and see. But recent coaching searches at ND have not been encouraging. Let’s not bury our heads in the sand. However, I will not allow to be called names and have words put into my mouth by someone who’s not reading carefully.

    1. I wasn’t trying to put words into your mouth. It just seems that ND nation wants something done yesterday. I didn’t mean it to sound like I was going after you. I respect your posts and your opinions, but I want the administration to think before they make a decision.

  24. RELAX…We have no idea who the “leading candidates” are. Unless I missed a Swarbrick press conference where he gave a list of names. This thing takes time. What’s more, no coach is gonna openly say he’s considering leaving his program before the season is over. Further, all these rumors and speculation from people “with unidentified sources” are worth exactly nothing. The only thing worth less is a coach say “I intend to be here next year.”

  25. People lets settled down. A decision will not be made this week. All good coaches have big games this weekend. Brian Kelly can be offered all of the extensions from Cincy, but if ND comes call with a 5 mil a year contract, the facilities and a national television contract he would be stupid to stay. He isn’t even the biggest show in his own state. He will always be second fiddle to Ohio State. Remember he admits that he gets the last of the barrel in Ohio. Ohio State, ND and Michigan cherry pick that state. Let just wait and see what the admin does. By the way I don’t want a coordinator, we need someone with head coaching experience and knows how to manage a program. Also I don’t think Tuberville is a good pick. He couldn’t handle the press crushing him in Alabama wait until the nation press starts to abuse him. I am still pulling for Kelly but I don’t think a decision will be made until next week at the earliest. I do think one needs to be made before Christmas.

    1. I’m with you Jack. Tuberville’s not the guy. I’m in Mississippi and I may be biased but I remember the crappy way he snuck out of Ole Miss for Auburn. I also remember how Auburn tried to bring in Petrino because Tuberville couldnt lock up the recruits in Bama (and that was before Saban).

      Just keep a level head. I mean, what did people expect? Meyer, Stoops, Kelly and others to jump up and down and say they couldnt wait to pack for South Bend while their teams are prepping for bowls? I dont believe meyer would ever leave Florida. I have not been convinced Stoops wouldnt leave OK but its highly doubtful. Kelly would come in a heartbeat. But he cant say that right now.

  26. Not to beat what increasingly is seeming to be a dead horse, but ESPN is reporting that UF’s DC Charlie Strong (one of the leading up and commers) is the top candidate at Louisville. He’s seriously considering that job. Is Louisville now a better job than ND?! How far can we continue to free fall in the eyes of the college coaching guild?

    1. You obviously have been on vacation. We do not need a DC with NO head coaching experience. I’m sure Strong is a nice fellow, but unless you’ve been under a rock and not listening to Swarbrick we need a coach with experience. Is Lousiville better than ND. Are you on Crack? Seriously!

  27. And the rejections keep on coming. Meyer, Stoops, Peterson, Kelley. How the mighty have fallen!

    ND’s sole purpose for bi-name coaches, it seems, is to secure contract extensions and larger salaries.

    I’d love to hear someone put a “positive spin” on all this (assuming the story is true) if we have to end up hiring either some washed up retread or some unknown commodity yet again.

  28. Reports are that Kelley just signed an extention…and that ND is focused on Tuberville.

    FootballCoachScoop has BREAKING NEWS as Head Coach Brian Kelly have finalized the deal for contract extension.
    FootballCoachScoop was the FIRST TO REPORT (November 29) that University Officials have been working behind the scenes on a contract extension,
    one that could keep Kelly in Cincinnati for a long time. According to our source, you can expect an announcement soon and it is almost finalized. Our
    source has confirmed that Head Coach Brian Kelly will be the Head Coach at UC next season. Again, he is NOT a candidate at Notre Dame, which
    FootballCoachScoop FIRST REPORTED on November 19.

  29. If this story is true and this search ends up with some “reach” again, I think it’s safe to say that ND has definitely fallen. It’s no longer a job established college head coaches in any top-tier programs want. If the coach at Cincy opts to stay there and not take the ND job, that speaks volumes! No rose-colored glasses to put on at that point, people. Now, let’s not panic, however. This may all be false. Plus, if we do have to “settle” for an up and coming assistant, then let’s hope and pray that he proves he’s a winner and can coach at ND for a long time. If that’s the case, however, I don’t want to hear from anybody on this board what a great job ND is. At that point, recent history will contradict such rosy statements. Fact is friends, we must live in the now and not 25 or 30 years ago, when ND was every college coach’s “dream job.”

  30. Just heard a Brian Kelly radio interview on ESPN where he said he was not going to ND. He said he likes what he’s building at Cincy and has no reason to leave. Funny how this is the first time he has come out and said he’s not coming a day after it was reported Cindy was going to give him a contract extension.

    Is this just “coach speak” before the big game or did he use ND to get a pay raise like evryone else?

    This search doesn’t look good, just like the other 3. ND is going to have to “settle” for someone because the guys they want don’t want to come. I hope I’m wrong on this.

    1. It’s a sure sign of the apocolypse when the coach of Cincinnati would rather stay there than have a chance to coach Notre Dame. Can we get the coach of the University of Chicago or is he also psyched about the program that they’re building over there?

  31. Getting NIX is Huge- also says alot about his character.

    Losing Martin- we all knew that this was coming, IMO he used the firing of Weis as an excuse. Like someone said in the past- if he is no 100% committed than we dont need you.

    Its easy to make decisions when not under pressure- when pressure is applied people either fold, or deliver.

  32. *Totally unrelated*

    True story, funny story.

    I post on this site a lot, but I don’t post on the forums. I do read them from time to time, but I never bothered to register. So, when I saw something today I was going to comment on a thread and I got an awesome message: “Sorry, we’re not accepting new accounts until the coaching situation clears up”.

    It made me laugh.

    Also, I can understand the policy.

  33. Tommy Rees (QB – Lake Forest, IL) is graduating this month and due to early enroll in January at ND. He has a very nice touch on the ball. I imagine Nate Montana will be back for the January semester as well, although his experiment in Pasadena didn’t go as well as planned. At last he can get some reps in now. ACL recovery can be tricky, but I would guess Crist will see some action in the spring practices, but should be back healthy in the fall. Hendrix from Moeller will be there in August. Maybe the Xavier QB (Massa) who signed up for Cincinnati will follow Kelly here . . . . .

  34. If Kelly does come and inserts his version of the spread option, does John Goodman become the QB for the spring with Christ out?

    Goodman has shown he has some speed, has decent size, and has an arm that is supposed to be legandary. If that happens and Christ isn’t playing, this could keep him as a back-up next year as well.

    With Floyd, Evans, Kamara, Walker, Toma, possibly Tate, and the freshamn coming in, Goodman isn’t needed at WR. He should be groomed to play QB so that ND has 2 upperclassman at QB with the 2 Freshman coming in. Also, he would be at the same level as Christ because both are going to have to learn a new system.

  35. I figured Martin would not last as soon as he committed. Clean house on the defensive side of the ball – on both sides for that matter. This program needs a big change in direction. I hope to heck it is Kelly and that he brings a lot of coaches with him. Love to see the option re-employed as a regular part of the offense too.

  36. I live in Jacksonville florida and have watched this kid play in person. REALLY BIG CATCH, this kid is the real deal. I didnt think we had a chance, if this kid holds true, when i see him i will shake his hand, for making a decision based on what it is all about the UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. Not one person, which some of our superstars have forgot about.

  37. bleed n82:
    why in the hell would they keep Tenuta? they finished the season 89th in that nation and to get players to fit his system would take 2-4 years. Keeping tenuta would be a horrible mistake.

    1. Cur:

      There is no simple fix for ND’s defensive woes. The offense is good and has good players that fit a pass first offense. It seems the D is a major concern going into the future.

      I like Tenuta and have seen what a D looks like when he has players that fit his system. No, he didnt do it with stellar 5 star recruits but recruits that fit his blitz style D.

      You are correct that we havent seen it at ND yet but I dont know about having two D cord’s with Brown and Tenuta. We will see.

  38. after seeing the kelly press conference, he is destined to be the next irish head coach. though stoops is the safest bet, kelly’s track record is impressive. i am excited. i like the fire i see in him. i don’t think kelly will be the next willingham because he has shown he can bring at least some talent to schools like central mich and cincy. look to the current ratings of cincy’s recruits, then go back pre-kelly where the players were so off the map they weren’t even given rankings! and with people like nix committing regardless of who is coaching here, i like our future.

    i don’t want to get into bold predictions of any sort b/c i was guilty of bcs speculation just a couple months ago, but i really like our chances next year without jc and tate. the offense will be just as good if not better under kelly. crist is bigger, has a better arm, is faster, and has had more time to learn than jc(even though it will be a new system and he is coming off surgery). the biggest question mark is the defense, can kelly get the d to play up to their potential? i dont know, but he is a proven leader.

    i would also like to see the team play in a bowl. i know there are a plethora of reasons why they shouldn’t, but give jc, tate and floyd one last chance to put up 50 on someone.

    please please please please please no jim harbaugh, he is a huge gamble

  39. I think this kid is done with us. He will probably end up at Cal or USC. It’s a shame we need some good D line men. NIX is huge. Big Big DT. Chris might come back but I dont know which coach he would come play for. My money is on we either get Stoops or Kelly and as I saw Kelly’s rant on Espn reminds of a good ol fassion smoke and mirrors show. B. Kelly next coach at ND. Question who do we keep to coach the D? Brown stinks period. I say keep Tenuta and get players that can fit his system. Keep Ianello for recruiting.

    1. I actually really like Corwin Brown. His defenses were solid before Tenuta came in they became co-coordinators.

      Brown can also recruit his tail off.

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