Everett Golson Highlights

Everett Golson has some pretty impressive highlight reels to go along with his gaudy stat lines.  Here are some highlights of Notre Dame’s newest signal caller.

General Highlight Reel


Junior Year Highlights


Sophomore Year Highlights


Highlights from one of Golson’s more ridiculous performances – 26-30 for 411 yards and 7 TDs;  4 rushes for 52 yards and 1 TD…. in a little over half a game.


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  1. Golson highschool career
    Frosh- 35 tds 11 ints
    Soph- 44 tds 10 ints
    Junior- 47 tds 3 ints
    Senior- 22 tds 1 int
    He missed alomst half the year this year with a wrist injury.He seems like a very good passer and somebody who takes care of the ball. 148 tds to 25 ints almost a 6-1 td to int ratio that’s good nomatter where you play.(not sure if playoffs are included in stats.

  2. After looking at Golson’s videos, immediately, I saw a Vick-like QB prospect. So plain to see, even after reading the comments. (which are pretty spot on.)

    A few things about Golson that I’m looking at in these vids:

    -Mobility to his left side. Doesn’t seem to run left or throw form the left side at all. Maybe its the Myrtle Beach offensive scheme, but if I’m looking at him as a scout, I have enough information and resources on him going to the right; I’d be getting into his comfort zone to see how he handles the left side of the field. There could be a lot of weaknesses or strengths there. The entire time I’m thinking Tony Rice, end run against USC in the Coliseum, TD!

    I like his height. He seem to not be afraid of throwing into a passing lane with a crowd. does any one have any idea how many INT’s he has thrown in his HS years?

    1. I’m with you. From the second play I was thinkng Tony Rice. Accurate passer, strong arm, great decision maker, can run like a bat out of hell, and is deceptively elusive. Those defenders looked like they were trying to wrangle a greased pig!

      All that and the kid has an all time gpa of 3.8! That my fellow domers is an RKG! 😉

      Time to buy the team some sunglasses because our future is looking bright! Woohoo, Go Irish!

  3. The Irish offered Bennett Okotcha a he is a CB from the same highschool as Cam Mcdaniel.Right now he is verbally committed to Wisconsin, but according to Cam is humbled and exited about the offer from ND.This is what superprep had to say” Okotcha is a blue collar defender that does all of the little things out on the field that college coaches love. He is the ultimate competitor. He will come and lay a lick in run support and works hard to get off of blocks to break up underneath routes. In coverage he is physical on the jam and plays bigger than his height. He can man up the bigger receivers.”It really seems like Brian Kelly is recruiting the blue collar hard working kids.I think Kelly knows if he gets kids like this who are also athletic that he can win, the kids just have to buy into his system and bust their butts.This is what ND has been needing to do for a long time.Sorry if I keep talking recruiting, but there isn’t much to talk about right now other then recruiting.Hope we get this kid we need a corner and he seems to fit what Diaco wants ina corner.Tough, tall(er), disciplined.GO IRISH!!(hopefully we find what bowl we will be in soon, they start practice up again Saturday).

      1. Me too.. It’s like another season after the season.

        X-mas wishlist:

        Doran Grant
        Huggins(not likely)

      2. Add the linebacker to the list… Christian “something”. I can’t think of it right now. 6’5″ 230lb 4.5 kid…

        Ahhh can’t think of his last name!

  4. Wow… he really throws it down field. I’m looking forward to seeing him in action, although I also want to see more Christ, Rees, and Hendrix too…

    1. i would love to see CHRIST in the shotgun for us, with his almighty sandals and kelly-green linens…alas, we will have to settle for the falable CRIST…haha

  5. The only thing I can say is wow. Im glad he is going to be on our team. I think if he gains weight he could be the starter going forward. He reminds me of a calm Mike Vick. He looks very good if I was A Qb I would be trying to work out and ingest all of the offensive playbook I could this guy is the future, I dont want to say this but its scary how Holtz and Kelly look awful familiar in there ways of there first year and getting a QB like this (Tony Rice), difference is not an option QB this guy could be better. All the signs are looking up!
    Go Irish!!!!

    1. I agree with the Vick comment…i thought the same thing, the way he had such poise in the pocket and then just exploded down the field when he decided to run.

      1. I would say more of a Charlie Ward than a Vick. Vick is a once in a lifetime athlete who makes plays like this kid against pros. Ward or Tony Rice is more what this kid looks like. This kid will be special. He is perfect for Kelly’s system. QB position is now stacked for ND. What a difference 3 months makes.

  6. It is a little disappointing to see savon huggins taking an official to wisconsin, only out of selfish motives, I would love to have him but that is probably where a back like him belongs, running downhill behind a that kind of massive line.

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