Aviva Stadium Will Have Notre Dame Flare in Endzones for Navy Matchup

Notre Dame plays in Ireland for the third time on Saturday afternoon against Navy, but for the first time the Fighting Irish will be the home team. As such, the field at Aviva Stadium will have a very Notre Dame flare to it, including a nod to Notre Dame Stadium‘s icon endzones.

Here’s a video the University posted on Wednesday.

Whoever came up with this concept did a fantastic job incorporating Notre Dame’s 18 stripes from the endzone of Notre Dame Stadium with a Celtic knot concept. For those unfamiliar with the history behind Notre Dame’s endzone stripes, there are 18 of them, all at 42-degree angles, to represent the 1842 opening of the University.

There have been some more pictures of the stadium posted throughout the week by Notre Dame’s equipment team. Here are a couple of tweets from Chris Bacsik, Notre Dame’s head football equipment manager.

Overall, it looks like the Notre Dame and Aviva Stadium teams are doing a great job of making it feel like a home away from home for the Fighting Irish this weekend.

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  1. Dopey Dave,
    Just like a typical Libtard to be offended by something to which you do not belong
    Nice to be back to call out your BS

    1. Speaking of know nothings, Donna’s back.
      With Rhonda and Donna back in the booth for another year, who needs NBC ?

  2. One of the great things about college football is the pomp and pageantry surrounding it. Haters gonna hate.

    Would be pretty cool to see these knots on the ND field one or two games a year, maybe senior night.

    1. The village will soon be nothing more than a smoldering ash heap, but you choose to marvel at the colorful flames engulfing the church.
      I envy you,. really.

  3. Selling America’s shallow, garish take on Ireland. To the Irish. In Dublin.
    How utterly self-unaware and arrogant.

    1. Let’s let the Irish people decide with their pocketbooks if the entertainment (sports and pagentry) offered is valuable or shallow and garish.

      ANGLE was so that all the endzone lines pointed at the DOME!
      Does anyone know if that’s wrong?

      BGC 77 82

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