Something about Notre Dame and Stanford meeting in Notre Dame Stadium lately just seems to produce thrillers. Two years after Notre Dame’s epic goal line stand against the Cardinal, the Irish converted a late 4th and 11 for a game winning touchdown pass from Everett Golson to Ben Koyack to seal a 17-14 victory. Here are all of the highlights courtesy of the WatchND crew.
This has been the best start to a season I can remember in years. Not just in terms of wins, but how the lads are winning: fast, fun, and spirited. Absolutely wonderful.
It’s not personal it’s about results my doubts can be cured by winning
For you that means the Irish will have to win every game, by 40 points, for the next 20 years!
The chances of surviving global thermo-nuclear war are better.
No one cares about whether it’s personal or not, your doubts etc. Your years of posting inane drivel have relegated you to being the laughing stock of the site.
Can’t look past UNC. I know they stink, but still lol. If we can go into FSU undefeated, I’ll be doing the Ric Flair WOOOOOOOO!!!!
Kelly can coach, recruit, play call and administrate well chosen subordinates. And he does it with a program that graduates athletes with social and moral responsibility as well as meaningful degrees.
Hail Our Lady!
ND’S knockout crew (AKA the Defense) is making this season that much more enjoyable to watch. Just continue to build off this win and prepare for the next outing against UNC.
I was at the game. Cold, drenched to the bone and LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT. We were praying for more hell to rain down on Stanford, knowing ND could handle it. One of the best games I’ve ever been to without question. OUR DEFENSE IS MADE UP OF STEELY-EYED NASTY KILLERS!
Great game ! Great weekend of college football!
I loved the blitz call by BVG with 11 seconds to go. I was hoping he would do it though it hardly ever happens in that situation. I never expected this defense to be this good so far. Keep it up! Go Irish!
In the same situation last year, Bob Diaco would have rush 2 linemen and put 9 guys back.
Whew, thanks to cole, jayson, Ben and mr. Van gorder.
And yes coach Kelly. Grateful!
“thanks to Mr.Vangorder”
You do realize he is a long time friend of Brian Kelly who hired him, and he once coachedd at Grand Valley St. right?
What a day in college football. The week started with Oregon getting beat at home. Then 2, 3,4 and 6 all lost and right now 8 is losing!
this is one of the greatest days of college football that i can remember.
how often does basically every team above a 9th ranked Irish lose other than the No 1 team ND will meet in a couple of weeks? UNBELIEVABLE